

Marine Gas Analysis System

The AVL M50 COMPACTTM is a maritime gas analysis system with NDIR technology for measuring carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).


The AVL M50 COMPACTTM is a pre-configured analyzing system for measuring carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the marine industry.

It is specifically designed to reliably determine the SO2/CO2 ratio, which is used to control the correct operation of an SO2 scrubber system. The compact wall-mounted design allows for easy operation in narrow spaces. It contributes to environmental protection, compliance, and operational effectiveness in maritime settings.

Accurate Monitoring

Accurate and reliable measurements of CO2 and SO2 levels, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and promoting safe operation of maritime vessels.

Compliance Assurance

By utilizing a sophisticated gas analysis system, you can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements related to emissions monitoring and reporting, reducing the risk of fines or penalties associated with non-compliance.

Environmental Performance

You can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship by effectively monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sulfur emissions, contributing to cleaner air and healthier ecosystems.

Operational Efficiency

The system offers efficiency gains by providing automated monitoring capabilities, reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining operational processes aboard maritime vessels.

Cost Saving

Through proactive monitoring and maintenance facilitated by the system, you can minimize the risk of costly downtime due to equipment failures or regulatory non-compliance, ultimately saving on repair and operational expenses.

The AVL M50 COMPACT is designed for continuous extractive emission monitoring. 
Since 2020 ships have only been permitted to run on low-sulphur fuel. Alternatively, exhaust gas purification systems can be used to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions. NOX limits are also defined for the emissions of ship engines. The results of exhaust gas purification must be measurable and documentable.
With the AVL M50 COMPACT ships can continue to be operated cost-effectively with heavy fuel oil and scrubber manufacturers can offer their customers a modern and cost-effective measurement solution. The costs for operation and maintenance are low, as the robust measurement technology is designed for simple and fast service on board.

Technical Details  

Dimensions (W x D x H)

637 x 360 x 860 mm
Weight approx. 40 kg
Power Supply 90 - 240 VAC
Ambient Temperature 0 ... + 45 °C
Ambient Pressure 800 - 1,100 hPA
Zero Gas Ambient air or nitrogen
Warm-up Time < 30 min
Measurement Range CO2 0 ... 20 Vol. %
Measurement Range SO2 0 ... 250 ppm


Challenges in maritime exhaust gas measurements

MEPC.340(77) – 2021 EGCS “Scrubber Guideline”
Allow for the testing, survey, certification, and approval of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCSs) in accordance with regulation 4 of MARPOL Annex VI GHG Greenhouse gas emissions regulation


The AVL PA-FTIR M50™ is a compact and lightweight FTIR analyzer for marine applications.

AVL iCAL GDU gas divider

The AVL iCAL GDU SL™ is a portable gas divider for linearity verification of gas analyzers.